St Thomas' Church is the greater Morris IL community's home of the Episcopal Church. We gather regularly to listen to the word of God, to celebrate the sacrement of Holy Communion, and seek ways to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in our homes and communities.
Many of us live in Morris, and others live as far north as Yorkville, IL, south as far as Dwight, east in Joliet, and west in Seneca.
All people who seek to know God, to worship Him and to serve Him are welcome and invited to join us!
Questions? Contact Fr. Mike (219)789-7981 frmikedwyer@gmail.com
Morning Prayer 9:00
Holy Eucharist 9:15
Bible Study follows
Note: Rite I replaces Rite II services during Advent & Lent
Our Address:
317 Goold Park Drive
Morris, IL 60450
The Rev. Michael W. Dwyer
Fr. Mike
Mission: By word and sacrament we seek to be sustained in our daily lives in order to minister to our parish and community in the spirit of Jesus Christ.
St. Thomas’ Church in Morris, IL, is part of the Diocese of Chicago and the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our small Anglo-Catholic parish seeks to glorify God through worship, fellowship, and service. The Eucharist on High Holy Days includes the use of incense. Our traditional liturgical and musical worship services are offered in a picturesque, historical, converted, carriage house that many of us view as our home away from home where everyone feels valued and comfortable.
Here we seek to be healed and filled while being part of things greater than ourselves, participating in ECW projects benefiting new mothers within the community, UTO, delivering Mobile Meals, contributing to We Care, PADS, Habitat for Humanity, the county’s free medical clinic, Nashotah House, and ERD. We enjoy study groups, Biblical and literary. We seek opportunities to break bread together.